Allies + International Branches

In 2010, with the New 52, Cosmic Teams ceased covering the Justice League. This section is archival only.

» SEE ALSO: Justice League Task ForceExtreme Justice

Justice League Allies

These heroes are not considered JLA members. They either:

  1. were never offered membership,
  2. never accepted full membership, or
  3. helped out only temporarily.
Hero Details
Adam Strange (none)

never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League of America #3, 24, 120-121, 138-139, 200, JLA #20-21)

Agent Liberty (Benjamin Lockwood)

Declined membership; assisted in two missions (Justice League America #71-75, was hiding from the law); then during Red Winter (Justice League Europe #45–50); killed by Superwoman, Action Comics #873
Artemis IV (Wonder Woman II)

Rejected by the team in Justice League America #100; assisted in one mission (Justice League America #97-98) before being spurned; auditioned again (unsuccessfully) in JLA #5

Beast Boy (Garfield Logan, Changeling)

never offered membership; assisted the newly-forming League during Legends

Beefeater (Michael Morice)

never offered membership; London bureau chief; "assisted" Justice League Europe (Justice League Europe #20, Justice League America #57-59)

Black Condor II (Ryan Kendall) Declined membership; assisted in one mission (Justice League America #71-75, was secretly keeping an eye on Bloodwynd)
Bronze Tiger (Ben Turner) Declined membership in the full time Justice League Task Force (Justice League Task Force #0, Oct. 1994)
Catwoman (Selina Kyle)

never offered membership; assisted in several missions (JLA #17, JLA/Titans)

Civet (Kathy Viverrida)

never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League America #106-108, 110-113)

The Creeper (Jack Ryder) This Creeper is no longer in continuity following the Infinite Crisis. He was a JLA reserve member (JLA #27); never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League of America #70, JLA #5)
El Diablo (Rafael Sandoval)

declined membership; assisted in 1 mission (Justice League America #110-113)

Erewhon (Gaius)

never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League Europe #57-64)

Firehawk (Lorraine Reilly)

JLA reserve member (Secret Files & Origins: Guide to the DC Universe #1)

Gaius (Godfrey)

never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League Europe #56-62)

G'Nort (none)

never offered membership; "assisted" in several missions and was a member of "Justice League Antarctica."

Gunfire (Andrew Van Horn)

never accepted membership

Hawk and Dove II (Hank Hall & Dawn Granger)

Declined membership (Justice League America #42); Hawk (as Extant) destroyed in JSA #15; Dove deceased in Armageddon 2001 #2

Hitman (Tommy Monaghan)

Never offered membership (auditioned in JLA2 #5)

Jade (Jenny Lynn Hayden, Green Lantern VI) JLA reserve member (JLA2 #27); aided in JLA: Scary Monsters #1-6; never offered membership; filled in for Kyle Rayner

The Janissary (Selma Tolon)

Declined membership, JLA Annual #4 (Aug. 2000)
Kishana Lewis A fire fighter who became a fire avatar after the JLA's battle in South Dakota (JLA: Scary Monsters)
Lobo (none)

Contracted by Manga Khan to kill the JLA in Justice League America #18; he hung around until #21 after he was "found out"

Lionheart (Richard Plante)

Never offered membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League Europe #63-66)

Max Mercury (Quicksilver)

Never offered membership (auditioned in JLA #5)

Mr. Miracle II (Shilo Norman) Never offered membership; assisted in one mission (Justice League America #50); deceased Seven Soldiers #1; returned to life Final Crisis #1
Osiris (unrevealed)

Never accepted membership (Justice League Europe #67); assisted in 1 mission (Justice League Europe #65-66)

Phantom Stranger (unrevealed)

Honorary member; declined membership; Justice League of America apps.: #103, 110, 145-146, 150, 156, 200, 210-212.

The Red King (Darrin Profitt) Technically, the Red King was invited to join the JLA, but he had ulterior motives of world domination and was soon destroyed by his own doppleganger from another reality. (JLA Classified #32-36, 2007)
Resurrection Man (Mitch Shelley)

Granted "probationary" membership but then immediately declined membership after assisting in a battle against Major Force in Resurrection Man #21; assisted against Amazo in R.M. #2.

Sandman II (Garrett Sandford)

Declined membership (Justice League of America Annual #1); deceased, revealed Infinity, Inc. #50
Seneca (unrevealed)

Never accepted membership (Justice League Europe #67); assisted in 1 mission (Justice League Europe #65-66)

The Spectre (Jim Corrigan)

Declined membership; assisted in several missions (Justice League America #31-32, Justice League Europe #7-8, JLA Secret Files #1); deceased Spectre #62
Starman V (Will Payton)

Declined membership (Justice League America #42)

Thunderbolt (Peter Cannon)

Declined membership after assisting Power Girl and Flash in Justice League Quarterly #8 (also assisted in Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt #9-10)

Justice League Associates

In chronological order of association. Statuses are pre-Flashpoint.

Associate Position & Status Involvement First app.
Hank Heywood Sr. (Commander Steel) Financial support; killed Eclipso #13 (Nov. 1993) Justice League of America Annual #2-Justice League of America #246 (1984) Steel #1
Dale Gunn Maintenance/technical support Justice League of America Annual #2, Justice League of America #233-246 (1984) Justice League of America Annual #2
Sue Dibny (as an assistant) Paris/London admin. assistant, later chief; killed Identity Crisis #1 Justice League of America Annual #2, Justice League of America #233-257, Justice League Europe #1-68 (1984) The Flash vol .1 #119
Maxwell Lord (Lord Havoc II) JLI Administrator/New York embassy chief; killed by Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman #219 Justice League America #1–Justice League Europe #36 (1987) Justice League America #1
Oberon NY embassy admin. assistant Justice League America #1–Justice League Europe #36 (1987) Mister Miracle #1
Catherine Cobert Paris/London embassy chief; later JLI administrator Justice League Internatioal vol. 1 #8–Justice League Europe #36 (1987) Justice League International vol. 1 #8

JLI Embassy Associates

Embassy Chiefs/Liaisons:

  • Japan: Inada Akatsu, Cyndy Kurahara & Rodan Katatami
  • France: Catherine Cobert, Anatole Blazac
  • Brazil: Ernesto Lopez
  • Russia: Boris Razumihin, Rosa & Dana Rubikskova
  • London: Michael & Lisa Morice, Esteban Sanchez
  • Australia: Hugh Dawkins, Joshua Barbazon
Justice League Internatioal vol. 1 Annual #3 (1989) Justice League International vol. 1 Annual #3
Kilowog Maintenance/technical support; deceased Green Lantern vol. 2 #50; revived Green Lantern: Legacy of Hal Jordan Justice League America #33–Justice League Europe #36 (1989) Green Lantern Corps vol. 1 #201 (June 1986)
L-Ron (as a robot) New York embassy admin. assistant Justice League America #42-58 (1990) Justice League International vol. 1 #14
Rolf Heimlich Temporary JLI administrator Justice League America #53-55 (1991) Justice League America #53
Petey the Demon Official supernatural adviser of the JLI Justice League Quarterly #4 (Autumn 1991) Justice League Quarterly #4 (Autumn 1991)
Jack C. Small The team's lawyer Justice League Quarterly #4 (Autumn 1991) Justice League Quarterly #4 (Autumn 1991)
Hannibal Martin Task Force Liaison Justice League Task Force #1-16 (1993) Justice League Task Force #1
The Yazz Maintenance/technical support; deceased, revealed 52 #24 Justice League America #95-113 (1995) Justice League America #95
Olivia Reynolds Toy company representative; former girlfirend of Hal Jordan; love interest of Icemaiden I Justice League America #110, 113 (1996) Green Lantern vol. 2 #71 (Sept. 1969)

Justice Leagues

In this lackluster fifth-week event (March 2001) called "Justice Leagues," the Leaguers get amnesia but are subconsciously driven to form their own groups as follows (heroes in red have never otherwise been JLA members):

  • Justice League of Adventure: Flash III, Atom II, Black Canary II, Mister Miracle & Beast Boy.
  • Justice League of Air: Green Lantern, Dr. Light IV, Red Tornado II, Black Condor II, Captain Atom, Firestorm & the Ray II.
  • Justice League of Aliens: Superman, Martian Manhunter, Lobo, Orion, Starfire, Warrior & Starman III (Mikaal Tomas).
  • Justice League of Amazons: Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Zatanna, Black Orchid III, Big Barda, Huntress & Power Girl.
  • Justice League of Anarchy: Plastic Man, the Creeper, Ambush Bug, 'Mazing Man, the Trickster & Harley Quinn.
  • Justice League of Apostles: Zauriel, Zatanna, Phantom Stranger, Dr. Fate IV & Deadman.
  • Justice League of Arkham: Batman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Joker, Riddler, Poison Ivy & the Ventriloquist.
  • Justice League of Atlantis: Aquaman, Tempest, Arion, Lori Lemaris, Mera, Devilfish & Power Girl