Obscure DC Characters: H

The Heckler

The Heckler was created by Keith Giffen and Tom and Mary Bierbaum and first appeared in HECKLER #1.


Alter Ego: Stu Mosely
Also known as: Swift Justice, The Haunting Avenger, The Duke of Disdain, The Sultan of Swipes, Mr. Heckler, Ol' Heckster, Hecky, The Big Heck
Occupation: Coffee shop owner, Adventurer
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None whatsoever!
Base of Operations: Delta City
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue


Not much is known about the Heckler. If it hadn't been for the fact that his secret identity was revealed halfway through his first issue, he could have been just about anybody: Your best friend, or the guy next door, or that fleeting shadow in the alley, or that guy who hangs around your copy shop wearing bermuda shorts with dress shoes and black socks. He could even have been you... but alas he is not. In fact he is just a plain old ordinary (well maybe not that ordinary) coffee shop owner named Stu Mosely.

Exactly why he chose to become the Heckler or even if it was of his own choice is not known. Maybe it was just the ages old case of a bored bored coffee shop owner looking for a little fun. However, part of the reason why Stu Mosely became the Heckler might be found in the fact that he was born in the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac... Hecklelarius the Heckler. To be born under this unusual sign your day of birth have to fall between Pisces and Aries on a leap year... or at least that's what the believers of this sign claim.

The Heckler's secret identity is a closely guarded secret, that is known by but a few including Legde, Mr. Dude and everybody who has read about his adventures in "The Heckler" and those that have since been told about it. Considering the sales of the book and the fast cancellation that can't have been be more than about a dozen.


Stu Mosely has an amazing ability to arrive at a destined location at the right time. In other words, he is a very punctual guy and hates to be late! As the Heckler he has an amazing ability to piss a lot of people off (mainly bad guys though) by constantly mocking and making fun of his opponents. On the other hand a lot of people (mainly his fans) find him extremely funny. Heckler is also a master of disguices and once put on a purple dress over his regular outfit and cunningly decieved the intergalactic Cosmic Clown into believing that he was not the Heckler.

Hercules Unbound

The hero of Greek legend has, needless to say, appeared in many different incarnations at DC. This version, by Gerry Conway, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, and Wally Wood, wandered the devastated lands of an Earth devastated by nuclear and natural disaster, tying in with other DC features as diverse as the Atomic Knights and OMAC/Kamandi.

Hercules Unbound (1975-1977) was the creation of Gerry Conway, who wrote issues #1-6, with art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez and Wally Wood. The premise had Herc breaking free from millennia of imprisonment about a month after the outbreak of World War Three. In short order, Herc befriends a blind teenager, Kevin, and his dog, Basil (#1). With issue #2, the trio makes it to Paris, where they meet the rest of the series entourage — Dave Rigg, Jennifer Monroe and Simon St. Charles.

Ares lurks in the background for the entire six issues, finally confronting Herc in #6. In the end, they declare a truce, with Ares being granted his freedom in exchange for restoring the life to Basil (killed in #5).

Walt Simonson pencilled the latter six issues, with inks by Wood (#7-8) and Bob Layton (#9-10) and Walt himself (#11-12). David Michelinie scripted #7–9, the last of which featured the death of Dave Rigg and revealed the approximate date that the war had begun — October, 1986.

That, of course, had been the date established in John Broome's "Atomic Knights" series. In mid-1976, Paul Levitz had penned an article that attempted to place all of DC's apocalytic futures into a single timeline (Amazing World of DC Comics #12). The Knights/Hercules connection worked just fine, since both presented a near-future society that wasn't all that different than our own. The problem was the suggestion that the pre-1986 society was the highly advanced world of OMAC and that, eventually, Kamandi would exist in that world. Indeed, HERC #4 & 5 had even introduced humanoid animal races and mentioned their KAMANDI #16 origin.

Unfortunately, Hercules Unbound #10 (by Cary Bates) tried to bring all the series together by picking up plot threads from OMAC #8 and featuring the Atomic Knights. By the end of that issue (set in early 1987), one of the Knights (Bryndon) was dead — despite his having survived well into the 1990s in the original series.

Even worse was the final two-parter's explanation for Kevin's mysterious powers (hinted at in Conway's run) — he'd been killed in issue #1 and replaced by an Anti-Ares! (AWODCC #12 had hinted at another possibility: Kevin's "rather extraordinary ancestry.") These events were later written off as part of Gardner (Atomic Knight) Grayle's fantasy in DC Comics Presents #57.

Conway later wrote Hercules into present-day Wonder Woman #259-261 (1979), dressed in the Lopez-designed outfit (Simonson had introduced a new one in #11) though Herc was a villain in this context.

The Homeless Avenger

The Homeless Avenger was an unnamed vigilante who took vengeance upon those criminals who preyed upon the homeless in New York City. The Homeless Avenger would stop crimes against the homeless and then kill the perpetrators, usually using whatever weapons the criminals had intended to use to threaten their victims.

The Vigilante and Black Thorn went out on the Homeless Avenger's trail, but received little help from the homeless community itself, who viewed the masked man as a hero and a protector. Black Thorn wanted to use force to get information from the homeless men and women, but Vigilante refused to let her do so.

In the mean time, the Homeless Avenger stopped a homeless man from being killed by a thug in the subway, throwing the miscreant on the tracks in front of a train. The homeless man, obviously confused and mentally ill, took out a gun and shot the Homeless Avenger in the shoulder. While fleeing the scene, a Subway cop tried to apprehend the masked man, but in the scuffle the Homeless Avenger killed the officer with his own gun and fled the scene.

After an argument on the ethics of the case with the Vigilante, Black Thorn went out on her own to extract information from the homelss people who had refused to help them earlier. She almost caught up with the Homeless Avenger on a rooftop, but he unknowingly eluded her (after tossing an attack off the roof). Black Thorn didn't know (or care) that the Vigilante was pursuing her as well.

Later that morning in Grand Central Station, a bunch of thugs accosted a homeless man sleeping against the wall, not realizing it was actually the Homeless Avenger. He killed one of them and announced himself to the whole terminal, which roused nearly thirty creeps who had known people the Homeless Avenger had killed. As they were about to attack him, Black Thorn arrived and knocked out five of the attackers with tranq thorns, wanting to collar the Homeles Avenger herself. As she turned her gun on the Homeless Avenger, the Vigilante's nunchakus flew out and knocked her weapon out of her hand.

As the rest of the terminal watched, the Vigilante and Black Thorn argued and then fought, with the Vigilante finally knocking her out. The Vigilante offered his help to the Homeless Avenger against the crowd closing in on him, but the masked man refused, saying that the Vigilante had done enough already. The Vigilante left carrying Black Thorn.

The newspaper headline the next day announced that the Homeless Avenger had been slain in the subway.

There were really very few details ever given about the Homeless Avenger. We were never even told his real name. All we know is that he was a fairly good hand-to-hand combatant and that he had a dedication to returning dignity and respect to the many homeless people who inhabited New York City. A truly noble cause, though definitely NOT enough to justify the extremes that he went to in order to achieve it.

The Homeless Avenger incident was one of the last in a series of events that brought Adrian Chase's career as the Vigilante to an end. After allowing a police officer to fall to his death in VIGILANTE #37, Chase's mind and dedication to his role as the Vigilante was slowly eroding as he found himself becoming nothing more than a costumed killer. After escaping the authorities one final time, and apparently killing a police detective that he knew back when he was a District Attorney, Adrian Chase committed suicide in order to stop himself from becoming everything he most hated.

  • Appearances:
    Vigilante #48 (December 1987)
    Vigilante #49 (January 1988)
    Vigilante #50 (February 1988 - mention on first page only)

Human Cannonball

Created by Tom DeFalco, the Human Cannonball was Ryan Chase, a would-be super-hero who grew up in the circus, training for his goal and developing a rocket belt and helmet that enabled him to blast through the air like a, well, human cannonball. Ryan wore a green shirt (with a yellow CB emblem) and tights, black pants, gloves and helmet and violet boots that came up to his thighs (SUPERMAN FAMILY #188).

Though too cocky for his own good, the Human Cannonball overcame his early blunders to become an effective, charming partner for Lois Lane (SF #189, 191). He was a central player in the battle to free the DNA Project from the control of the evil Adam (#192-194).

The Human Hurricane

Although the story shows no credits, the Grand Comic Database lists the artist as Bernard Bailey.

House Of Mystery #155 (Dec 1965)

Mitchell Anderson, science student, holds down one of Earths strangest — and most dangerous — jobs. Each working day, Mitch volunteers for new experiments to determine if Man can defy nature, and perform rescue work in fierce, raging hurricanes. He buckles on a temperature control belt, dons a special environmental suit, and is exposed to artificially generated hurricane conditions.

One fateful Saturday, as Mitch tests his temperature control belt, he gets perspiration in his eyes. He gropes his way towards the small room where his hurricane suit is kept, but accidentally enters the wrong doorway, that of the electrical control room. Mitch hits one of the switches and, in a split-second of terror, is bathed in burning heat rays. An alarm brings help, and Mitch is rescued from harm. One of the scientists remarks that the heat rays couldve agitated Mitchs molecules to an extent where it mightve been fatal.

Shortly, as if nothing had happened, Mitch dons the hurricane suit and enters the wind tunnel. The scientists increase the winds until they exceed 200 miles per hour. Mitch is relieved that the special alloys, woven into his suit, protect him from the debris that is breaking off of the deteriorating test houses. When he begins to feel a chill, Mitch turns up the heat dial on his temperature control belt, but something totally unexpected happens. With a great explosion, Mitch bursts out of the hurricane suit, and begins flying through the air! An incredible force cracks open the ceiling of the lab, hurling the helpless volunteer skywards. With his hands flailing about wildly, Mitch accidentally hits the temperature control knob, and the gale forces surrounding him begin to die down. He falls gently to the ground, landing upright on his feet.

After Mitch returns to the lab, he is astounded to discover that the scientists have examined his torn suit, and have concluded that the explosive force came from within. They believe that, when Mitch turned up the heat, it agitated the molecules in his body, which in turn agitated the molecules around him with hurricane force! The scientists tell Mitch that he must sit tight until they can examine him. They fear that if he started to get overheated in a crowded area, he could become a deadly menace.

Just at that moment, a man rushes frantically into the room. He informs everyone that, a few minutes earlier, a strange hurricane force had broken a weather balloon loose from its moorings. A weather man is trapped aboard. Feeling responsible, Mitch turns up the temperature knob on his belt, and flies up after the balloon. Mitch maneuvers around the drifting craft until his hurricane forces drive it safely back to land. Soon after, back at the lab, Mitch tells the scientists that, until he is cured of his affliction, he can at least use his powers to do some good.

Mitch is as good as his word. When a spreading forest fire threatens nearby towns, he uses his powers to snuff out the raging inferno. When a private yacht, caught in a storm at sea, heads for crushing reefs, he generates enough lift to pick the boat right up out of the water, carrying it to safety.

The next day, however, Mitch begins to worry that his wild molecules could be killing him. One of the scientists from the lab tells Mitch that a specialist is being driven over to evaluate him. Unfortunately, the car carrying the specialist is forced to turn around when it is threatened by a devastating tornado. The driver quickly finds a phone to call the lab, and tells the scientist that the tornado is heading towards a local town. Mitch jumps to his feet and turns up the heat knob, determined to stop the twister with his own hurricane power. He boldly enters the tornado, experiencing forces he could hardly have imagined. Just as Mitch is about to reach the limit of his tolerance, the twister is neutralized. But the heros success is not without a cost. His powers suddenly disappear, and he falls to the ground, landing unharmed on a large, thick haystack.

Later, after several tests are performed at the lab, Mitch is told that the tornado has somehow knocked his molecules back into order. Although his unique powers appear to be gone for good, Mitch is simply relieved to know that he has been given a clean bill of health.

Original text copyright DC Comics unless otherwise noted. Used without permission.