Mister Miracle II (Scott Free)

Created by Jack Kirby

Mister Miracle I

Thaddeus Brown I

Thaddeus "Ted" Brown II (son)

Justice Society Dark

Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1 (Apr. 1971)

Mister Miracle II

Scott Free

Izaya/Highfather (father), Vayla (mother, deceased), Francine "Fancy" Goodbody (wife, deceased), Big Barda (wife), Big Breeda (mother-in-law), Orion (foster brother)

Justice League International

Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1 (Apr. 1971)

Mister Miracle was the most successful of Jack Kirby's New Gods characters. This title outlasted New Gods and Forever People by over a year, perhaps because its themes ran closer to that of the traditional super-hero.

Mister Miracle was openly based on the title character of the classic Charles Dickens novel, Oliver Twist. In several early promotional blurbs, Kirby compared Mister Miracle to Twist, and Scott's mentor Himon was also based on the story's Fagin. When first introduced, Scott's origin was a mystery; he was a flamboyant orphan, an expatriate from beyond. His adventures have always centered on his struggle to create a life on Earth, despite constant interference from both Apokolips and New Genesis.

Mister Miracle's origin was told by Jack Kirby in New Gods vol. 1 #7 (1971). In post-Zero Hour continuity, John Byrne added significant new details about his parentage, age, and Scott's early years on Earth.

This page concerns the original Mister Miracle. » SEE ALSO: Mister Miracle (New 52)

Bondage and Escape

Highfather's son is adopted by Darkseid and given over to Granny Goodness on Apokolips. From New Gods vol. 1 #7 (1971); art by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer.
Young Scott Free excels at maneuvering the aero-discs. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #7 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.
Orion meets Sirius, guardian of Apokolips' underground labyrinth. From Orion #10 (2001); art by Arthur Adams.
Scott accidentally discovers that he possesses the power over the Anti-Life Equation, which he tells to no one. From Orion #25 (2002); art by Walter Simonson and Bob Wiacek.
Scott Free meets Himon, and Lieutenant Barda. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #9 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.
Escape from Apokolips! From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #9 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.

Scott Free is the son of the ruler and elder god of New Genesis, Izaya the Inheritor. Scott was born 300 years ago to Izaya's second wife Vayla. (New Gods Secret Files #1, Jack Kirby's Fourth World #1) Izaya had been left for dead on the battlefield by Darkseid when Vayla found him and nursed him back to health. Izaya stayed with her for a time until he was well enough to return to his war with Apokolips. Vayla was near to giving birth to their child, but by the time Izaya returned, Vayla had died unexpectedly and left him with a newborn son. Izaya's grief and despair led him to wander among the ruins, where he encountered an avatar of the Source. It spoke to him and offered enlightenment. Izaya took the name Highfather and committed himself to making peace. To broker this with Apokolips, he agreed to horrible terms; he and Darkseid would exchange their own sons. Orion came to live with Highfather, and his own infant son would be raised on Apokolips. Darkseid agreed to this plan partly to buy himself time to plot his next move, and partly because he knew that one day Highfather's son would escape from Apokolips and nullify the peace agreement. (New Gods vol. 1 #7) NOTEs: Highfather's first wife, Avia, was assumed to be Scott's mother, and named as such in Mister Miracle vol. 2 #5 and 21. The timeline for that is problematic. Izaya's son was only months old when he was given over to Darkseid. By that time, the war had raged for many years (meaning Avia was dead for as many years).

Izaya's son (who was named but it was never revealed [Mister Miracle vol. 3 #4]) was given over to Darkseid, who in turn gave him to his commander Granny Goodness. Darkseid foresaw the child's destiny, that he would one day escape from Apokolips and nullify the peace agreement. Granny mockingly named him "Scott Free." Granny's "Orphanage" was a veritable prison for young people, where they were indoctrinated into unquestionable obedience and trained to fight — and die — for Darkseid. Like all young men, Scott Free was shorn bald (to limit individuality) and fed blocks of food that contained a mind-numbing substance. Metron of New Genesis appeared secretly unto Scott and urged him not to eat it. (Mister Miracle vol. 1 #6) Because of his lineage, Scott's trials and punishments were doubled, but he responded with great resilience. He was exceptionally skilled in combat and demonstrated superior agility in using the anti-gravity aero-discs. It was clear that he was special. (#7)

Scott was a natural in escaping from bondage. He routinely left his quarters to explore Apokolips and one time he stumbled upon a giant demon-dog called Sirius. It was the sentry of an underground maze beyond the Necropolis. Sirius sensed that Scott was not evil and he spared the lad from the trials of his labyrinth. The beast confided in Scott: he craved death; that place was his prison. Scott lacked the steel to kill Sirius but gave the hound a tiny crystal light to offer some reprieve from the darkness. (Orion #10)

Some time during his adolescence (however that is measured by his race), Scott unexpectedly discovered his "god power." On one of his outings he came upon a city of Hunger Dogs in the Armagetto. Darkseid's dog soldiers attacked them and Scott cried "STOP!"; everyone in the vicinity died. This was the power of the Anti-Life Equation, the ultimate command over living things. Scott did not speak for months afterwards, which angered Granny. Scott used her punishments to forge in himself the discipline he needed to speak without invoking the Equation. Every year thereafter, he returned to the site of the deaths to leave flowers in memoriam. Scott kept this secret for years. He told no one and never used the power again. (Orion #25)

Scott's prowess was noticed by a rebel leader called Himon, a genius and master escape artist. From his secret bunker in the Armagetto, Himon tutored young people in the art of building their own Mother Box (and other devices). A Mother Box was a sentient computer that worked only when its creator was properly enlightened or connected to the Source. One day Himon's quarters were discovered by a young woman warrior called Barda. She was a lieutenant in special powers training who commanded a battalion of Female Furies. Barda was seeking to retrieve a girl named Auralie from Himon's lair. Scott deflected Barda's threats and she agreed not to report him, if in exchange Scott would not report that Auralie had escaped.

The incident led to a mob scene and Himon was exposed then captured along with his young followers. Scott and Barda were summoned to witness the tortured bodies of these children, including Auralie. Himon escaped and Metron joined him to encourage Scott to flee from Apokolips to Earth. Darkseid arrived to make a half-hearted appeal for Scott to remain, but the boy mustered all his strength and leapt into a Boom Tube. Barda remained behind. She too dreamed of escape but was unwilling to attempt it then. (Mister Miracle vol. 1 #9)

19th Century Earth

Scott meets Francine "Fancy" Goodbody, his soon-to-be wife, in England. From Jack Kirby's Fourth World #6 (1997); art by John Byrne.
With Metron in the Old American West. From Jack Kirby's Fourth World #8 (19); art by John Byrne.
Scott meets Thaddeus Brown (Mister Miracle) and Oberon. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1 (1971); art by Kirby and Vince Colletta.
Reunited with Barda. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #4 (1971); art by Kirby and Vince Colletta.
Funky Flashman (listening to a recording of his own voice) and Houseroy are the targets of the Female Furies. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #6 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.
Can Mister Miracle escape the trap of the Head? From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #10 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.
Barda's Female Furie Battalion gets in on the act. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #11 (1972); art by Kirby and Royer.

It was the year 1802 on Earth when Scott emerged from the Boom Tube, in England. He was befriended by a woman named Francine "Fancy" Goodbody. She was the daughter of an inn keeper and the two were soon married. (Jack Kirby's Fourth World #6) Scott and Fancy enjoyed fifty years together, but they were forced to move from town to town because he aged much more slowly than humans. When Fancy passed away in 1856, they lived in Dover and Scott was referring to her as his grandmother. As it happened, Metron arrived around the time as Fancy's death. Scott left England and accompanied Metron to the United States. (#7)

By the turn of the century, Metron and Scott had taken up residence in Dodge City, Kansas. Scott was changed by his time with Fancy; it made him appreciate the mortality of humans. He pursued a limited relationship with a woman named Melinda but he refused any lasting attachment. Scott admitted his feelings for Barda to Metron: if he believed Barda was coming to join him on Earth, he would never had gotten involved with any other woman. Metron souped up an early automobile and made it fly, taking them to Gateway City. (#8)

20th Century: The Original Mister Miracle

Many decades later Scott came upon the escape artist Thaddeus Brown aka Mister Miracle and his assistant, Oberon. While rehearsing his act, Darkseid's Inter-Gang attacked Brown and Scott helped fight them off. Afterwards he went to live with Brown and became his apprentice. During a practice, Brown was shot and killed by a sniper ordered by Inter-Gang boss the Steel Hand. Scott found the Hand and exacted vengeance. (Mister Miracle vol. 1 #1)

Note: In DC's Rebirth continuity, the Thaddeus Brown also operated during World War II as a member of the "Justice Society Dark."

Scott took up the mantle of Mister Miracle II and experimented with using a "Follower," a robot look-alike that mimicked his every move. He also revealed his Mother Box to Oberon, a device that protected him and helped engineer his escapes. His alien gadgetry enabled Scott to easily escape from conventional restraints. This allowed him to devise ever more complex traps. Mister Miracle's escapades now had the attention of Apokolips, and Granny Goodness began sending a succession of hunters after her former pupil. The first was the Overlord, who ensnared Scott in Granny's X-Pit. Mister Miracle used his Mother Box to short-circuit and destroy the Overlord. (#2)

Granny responded with Doctor Bedlam, a malevolent, free-floating conscience who inhabited artificial "Animates." Bedlam had vast mental powers and challenged Scott to escape from a booby-trapped building. (#3) Luckily, Scott's friend Barda arrived from Apokolips and helped fight off the hordes of mind-controlled people. It was a happy reunion (they hadn't seen each other in centuries) and Barda promptly took up residence with Scott and Oberon. (#4) Barda appreciated the beauty of Earth and vowed not to return to Apokolips. Again she helped Mister Miracle escape a complex trap sprung by Virman Vundabar. (#5)

Funky Flashman was a nuisance from Earth. Funky had grand ideas about how to promote Scott's act. As they talked, Barda was ambushed by members of her own battle unit, the Female Furies Mad Harriet, Stompa, Lashina, and Bernadeth (sister of Desaad). In the confusion, Flashman made away with Scott's Mother Box, which drew the Furies to him. They destroyed Flashman's house and disappeared. (#6)

Scott concluded that the only way to reach a truce with his enemies was to return and win his freedom fairly. On Apokolips, he and Barda attempted to commandeer a ship, which alerted Darkseid's personal assassin, the flamboyant Kanto. Kanto toyed with them, but he was an honorable warrior and granted Scott's request for a trial by combat. Granny escorted Scott to Section Zero where he faced the Lump. (#7) Scott entered into psychological combat with the Lump and they did battle in the immaterial Realm of the Id. Barda arrived some Furies as backup just as it looked like Scott had lost. Instead he emerged from the astral plane, defeating the Lump by showing the monster its own visage. (#8)

The Female Furies accompanied Barda and Scott to Earth where they were captured by the Head and his World Protective League. Mister Miracle stopped the disembodied villain by sending him into space with his own exploding germ bomb. Back in suburbs of Metropolis, Ted Brown (son of Thaddeus Brown) returned to his father's home. (#10) Ted became Mister Miracle's new manager and filmed an act involving all the Furies, who didn't seem to mind it. Each took turn adding to the spectacle. Although Scott had won his freedom, Doctor Bedlam returned for another attack (#11) but after that, Mister Miracle's adventures concerned Earth-based threats.

Scott posed for publicity photos with Admiral Case, and his promotion drew the attention of Colonel Darby. Darby wanted to stage a duel with Mystivac (an ancient Asian idol) and profit from the wagers. When unmasked, Mystivac was revealed as a tiny alien inside Mystivac's helmet. It had been marooned centuries ago and had super-vocal-powers. (#12)

Ted Brown was kidnapped by King Komodo, aka Albert Von Killowitz, whom Ted had met in Korean War. (#13) Scott and Oberon stumbled upon Satan's Lair, a haunted house. Madame Evil Eyes put the whammy on them and offered them as a sacrifice to her god. (#14)

Shilo Norman (Mister Miracle III)

Shilo Norman seeks the help of Mister Miracle. After bringing his brother's killer to justice, Shilo becomes the ward of Scott and Barda. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #15 (1974); art by Kirby and Royer.
Scott, Barda, and Shilo (looking like Sandy the Golden Boy) face their opposites, the Terrible Trio: Della the Dinosaur, Mad Merkin and Little Bullets. From Mister Miracle vol. 1 #17 (1974); art by Kirby and Royer.

Shilo Norman was a twelve-year-old boy who witnessed his brother's murder. His brother had been a truck driver who got too curious about his cargo, that belonging to crime boss Mister Fez. Shilo was remanded to the protective custody of Lt. Driver, who asked Mister Miracle for help. Instead of hiding in fear, Shilo showed great bravery. The boy was a black belt judo expert. He managed to deflect a grenade thrown by Fez's assassin and later followed the crooks. Mister Miracle and Barda followed Shilo to Fez and took down his gang. Driver left Shilo in Scott's care and Barda offered the boy her special powers training, predicting that one day he might become a "Junior Miracle." (#15)

Shilo trained in the escapist's arts, starting with small traps — both physical and mental. He began seeing weird insect creatures, minions of Professor Egg. Shilo fought with guile and Fourth World technology but eventually succumbed to this nightmare. When he awoke from the sound of his own screams, he met Professor Exe, a master of illusion (apparently enlisted by Scott to create the challenge). (#16)

Scott, Barda, and Shilo stopped in at the Murder Lodge run by Peppi Lamoko, which was full of booby traps. At the sign of danger, Shilo donned a new uniform (which resembled Sandy the Golden Boy's). Shilo was already demonstrating enhanced strength, the result of his special powers training. He escaped and liberated Scott and Barda too. All three were electrocuted and would have died if they had been "average" people. Their tormentors were bounty hunters called the Tricky Trio: Della the Dinosaur, Mad Merkin and Little Bullets, whom they wrapped up for the police. (#17)

Shilo's time with the Frees was brief. The forces of Apokolips converged again, this time on Barda (perhaps because unlike Scott, she had not earned her freedom). During the attack, Scott admitted his undying love for Barda and asked her to marry him. The prospect of happiness was dimmed when Granny and Kanto pinned them to a "bomb-clock" and blasted them into space. They were saved by Orion, Lightray, Metron, and Highfather. The Source had decreed that their wedding must take place. Highfather stayed Granny's hand and the couple were wed with just a few words by Scott's father. The New Gods retreated to New Genesis and Oberon and Shilo remained behind to witness a great tornado approach. It was Darkseid, who arrived too late. (#18)


A fine example of Marshall Rogers' art. From Mister Miracle #22 (1978); art by Marshall Rogers.
Scott weathers the gauntlet. From Mister Miracle #23 (1978); art by Michael Golden and Joe Giella.
Mister Miracle formally defects from New Genesis. From Mister Miracle #24 (1978); art by Michael Golden and Russ Heath.
The unpublished cover art for Mister Miracle #26. From Canceled Comics Cavalcade #2 (1978); art by Michael Golden.

The events from the 1977 revival of Mister Miracle are not considered part of normal pre- or post-Crisis continuity. (Mark Evanier decreed this in the editorial space of New Gods vol. 2 #1, 1984.) The series took the character in a new direction, the details of which were ignored by later creators.

Scott's story (and issue numbering) pick up from Mister Miracle #18, on New Genesis after his wedding. Barda was kidnapped and brainwashed by Granny Goodness, Virman Vundabar, Kanto, and Doctor Bedlam. Scott surrendered to them on Earth. (#19) During this fight, Scott's Mother Box became a physical part of him, and its powers were meant to be his birthright, or "god power." (#20) Himon told Scott that he had been predestined to endure a baptism by fire — to learn how to fight — before discovering his power. Barda had fallen gravely ill but Scott's victory over the forces of Apokolips restored her. (#21)

Scott surrendered to Darkseid in order to save Earth and was struck by his Omega Effect. (#22) It flung Scott into the strange domain of Ethos, who addressed him in the same manner that Mother Box had. Ethos explained that the Box's power was Scott's power: the embodiment of a neutral, nonpolitical principle. Mister Miracle emerged from mind-bending journey with a commitment to be "his own man." (#23) The all-new Scott Free fought with Highfather, who forbade him to return to Earth. Scott shocked everyone by relinquishing his citizenship of New Genesis and renouncing his allegiance to Izaya. He, Barda, and Oberon left and reconnected with Ted Brown in Metropolis. Scott sold Brown's house and took the troupe on the road to Las Vegas for a Mister Miracle performance at the Hoover Dam. (#24)

Darkseid was bothered by Scott's bold decision and ordered Granny to train an assassin on Earth. This girl, Alianna, attacked Mister Miracle in Los Angeles but had a change of heart and backed off. (#25)

The series was canceled with issue #25, but the cover of #26 appeared in Cancelled Comics Cavalcade #2. That comic was a black-and-white photocopied volume produced by DC for the sole purpose of securing the copyrights to the material.

Post-Crisis + Justice League

New ventures for Mister Miracle and Oberon. From Justice League #1 (1987); art by Kevin Maguire and Terry Austin.
Metron's experiments on Earth bring a clash with the Justice League. From Justice League International #12 (1988); art by Kevin Maguire and Al Gordon.
A painted house ad promoting the new series (1988); art by Ian Gibson.
Reluctant husband-and-wife heroes. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #8 (1989); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Mister Miracle's new arch nemesis, Maxi-Man. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #10 (1989); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Oberon applies Scott's accidental new invention: the Miracle Mister. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #10 (1989); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Mister Miracle learns the true terms of his tour contract (a surprise to Funky Flashman as well).. From Justice League International Special #1 (1990); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Mister Miracle postcard from a set of Justice League postcards issued in 1989, by Kevin Maguire.

Justice League International

After Earth's heroes defeated a massive incursion by Apokolips, a new Justice League was formed (Legends #1-6) and Oberon urged Mister Miracle to join. He hoped it would elevate Scott's profile and make the act more successful. But from the start, Scott bristled at Guy Gardner's immaturity, and at Batman's gruff leadership style. (Justice League #1) Many times he contemplated quitting; all he really wanted was to create a quiet life in the suburbs with Barda (who that Scott did not consult her before joining the team). Regardless, he soldiered through, and Oberon became an indispensable part of the League's day-to-day operations. As a gadget guru, Scott supported the League's technical, security, and transportation needs. (#5)

Mister Miracle was an important liaison between the League and the Fourth World. When one of Metron's experiments on Earth gained artificial intelligence, it attacked the League and Scott identified the threat as Fourth World. (Justice League International vol. 1 #7) Metron detected the new sentience, which was inhabiting the Construct, an old JLA foe. (#11) Metron attempted to eliminate the sentience but it escaped. It had been manipulating the League's new chief, Maxwell Lord, to whom it retreated. Max smashed his computer and "killed" the intelligence inside. (#12)

Manga Khan was a galactic entrepreneur who came to Earth with his Cluster of ships, and attempted to blackmail the planet into doing business with him. World leaders rejected Khan's "offer." (#14) The Justice League beat back the Cluster but Mister Miracle was on-board when one of Khan's scout ships retreated. J'onn told Barda, who suited up to help rescue him. (#15) Barda retrofitted the Justice League's spaceship with her mega-rod to create a Boom Tube drive. Meanwhile, Khan discovered who Scott was, and planned to barter him to Apokolips. (#16-17) Barda and the others followed. (#18-19) Khan offered Scott to Granny Goodness and Virman Vundabar in exchange for Boom Tube technology, but Granny stole Scott away and Khan declared war on Apokolips. Barda recruited the help of allies on Apokolips and armed herself with a cannon and new mega-rod. J'onn sent her back to Earth for reinforcements. (#20) Darkseid ultimately stepped in and ordered a ceasefire; he rejected Scott Free as any sort of prize. (#21)

Barda was tapped to help train League member Fire in the use of her powers. Barda's car — which contained her mega-rod — was stolen by a young thug who used it to start a crime spree. (Justice League America #29) The rod corrupted the thief, who was weaker-willed than Barda. The Huntress took him down and he was killed by a stray blast from the mega-rod. (#30)

Mister Miracle vol. 3

Barda and Scott wanted an ever more quiet live and moved from Mount Kisco, New York, to Baily, New Hampshire (both real world cities). Oberon joined them (as Scott's "uncle") and they opened a new business called Free's Fixit Shop. Scott had no desire to perform; his Justice League adventures provided sufficient drama. He and Barda were desperate to achieve a sense of normalcy, as exemplified by their neighbors Ed and Kathleen Ferbel. The eyes of Apokolips were always on them and no sooner had they gotten comfortable were they attacked by Doctor Bedlam. Bedlam insinuated himself into a dinner party with the Ferbels, which threatened the Frees' attempt at secret identities. (Mister Miracle vol. 3 #1) Bedlam turned the townspeople into animals with his "devolution pills," and a timely intervention by Highfather restored them. (#2)

Highfather's visit was unexpected and not entirely welcome. Scott always felt awkward around his father, and Oberon didn't care for him one bit. Izaya appreciated the allure of life on Earth but he struggled with its customs. At dinner with the Ferbels, he invited Scott's "cousins," the Forever People. (#3) Scott was angered by the imposition and stormed off. He was captured by Fyre, an agent of the Dark. (#4) Fyre's power of Anti-Life also bound Highfather. Seeing his father defeated spurred Scott to find the strength to free himself and drive off Fyre. When they returned home Highfather described the pain of giving Scott to Darkseid. He didn't see another path to peace. (#5)

Oberon called the JLI when gangsters attempted to shake down Scott's shop. They sent the inept Green Lantern, G'nort, who somehow managed to resolve the situation. (#6) Blue Beetle and Booster Gold also paid a surprise visit, which coincided with an attack of Professor Ivo androids. (#7) Mister Miracle reconfigured the robots with his multi-cube and sent them off into the world. Scott and Barda settled in and were poised for romance. The moment was ruined by a drunk Oberon, who returned with Ted Brown. Brown was intent on taking Mister Miracle back on the road. (#8)

If Mister Miracle had an "arch enemy" on Earth, it might have been Henry Hayes, aka Maxi-Man. Hayes was a down-on-his-luck transplant who had gained super-powers from the Dominators' gene bomb during the recent alien invasion. He wanted to be a hero but he was always beaten to the punch by the Justice League. He thought his prospects would be greater in Bailey, but Mister Miracle beat him to the scene of a fire — and became the target of Maxi-Man's ire. (#9) Even the public regarded Maxi-Man as a nuisance; he gave up and moved away. (#10)

In the Fixit Shop, Oberon accidentally discovered that Scott had invented a chemical cleaner with almost magical power. (#9) News of the cleaner spread through the community and Oberon schemed to exploit it. (#10) He asked for investment capital from Maxwell Lord, who in turn hired Funky Flashman to oversee the promotion. Flashman called it the Miracle Mister. Scott hated the idea. He refused to divulge the formula, and stormed off. (#11) To replicate the Mister, Funky made a deal with Scott's old enemy, the Head, who was working as an agent of Manga Khan. A fight ensued and the entire block of the shop was destroyed. Scott felt responsible to the townspeople but he had no hope of reimbursing them — unless he agreed to do a tour to promote the Miracle Misters. Neither Scott nor the Flashman read the contract fully before signing it. (#12)

Mister Miracle in Space

The first stop on Mister Miracle's galactic tour. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #13 (1990); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Mister Miracle's android replacement raises suspicion. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #14 (1990); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Robot Scott is terminated by the League's arch foe, Despero. From Justice League America #39 (1990); art by Adam Hughes and Joe Rubenstein.

Oberon and Scott embarked on a lucrative new Mister Miracle tour, and their friends in the Justice League International attended the first show at Madison Square Garden. It was interrupted when Manga Khan returned to claim Scott, Oberon, and Funky. Apparently the contract stipulated an intergalactic tour to sell the Miracle Misters in space. Rather than enduring the headache of defying Khan, Mister Miracle abided by the contract. Unbeknown to everyone on Earth (including Barda), an android duplicate of Scott took his place in the Justice League. (Justice League International Special #1)

Their first show was several hundred light years from Earth, near Squaarm. It was attended by thousands and Scott delivered his pitch for the Miracle Misters. Manga Khan's lackey, L-Ron, alerted his master that they had inadvertently captured two space dolphins that belonged to Lobo, a notorious assassin. Scott managed to sooth Lobo but the dolphins were bartered away to a Green Lantern. (Mister Miracle vol. 2 #13) Mister Miracle and Lobo found the dolphins on the planet Mogo, which was a sentient planet that was also a Green Lantern. Mogo was using the dolphins in a symbiotic way. They fed upon golden space debris which was corrosive to Mogo's surface. Lobo conceded that the dolphins seemed happier and he agreed to drop his vendetta against Khan in exchange for more of the golden ore. (#14)

On Colossopolis, the crew discovered a native population of giants. The Cluster ship was attacked by a cat and Scott was captured by a boy-giant. The boy put Mister Miracle inside a toy maze to fight the Foes of Five (which were actually action figures): Death-Trooper, the Titraxian Trapper, Madrax the Berserker, Blastroid, and Ghost-Maker. (#15) Scott spent this visit escaping from these threats, and not on performing. (#16)

Apparently Darkseid could not decide whether Scott Free was to be conquered or ignored. The Lord of Apokolips lured Manga Khan's ship and fabricated charges against Scott — for bringing mortals to Apokolips. (#17) They escaped from Granny Goodness and the Female Furies using Scott's multi-cube then Darkseid inexplicably changed his mind. He released Scott and the others, hinting at a secret scheme to unleash a virus on Earth. (#18)

Back on Earth, the Mister Miracle robot assumed Scott's life in the Justice League, but it never returned home to Barda. Its odd behavior was overshadowed by the drama at the JLI embassy. (Justice League America #37) The League believed that Funky Flashman had taken off with Mister Miracle's tour proceeds, and that Oberon went after him. The android occasionally reached Barda by phone and made excuses for not coming home. (Mister Miracle vol. 2 #13)

This android was destroyed on a JLA mission while piloting a shuttle. The evil Despero blasted the ship and everyone believed that Mister Miracle had died. (Justice League America #39) Meanwhile Barda had become involved with an animal rights organization and was tricked into destroying a warehouse because she believed it was the center of an animal cruelty ring. (Mister Miracle vol. 2 #10, 14-15) When the League called, she was in the act of destroying the building, and arrested. Ted Brown delivered the news of Scott's death to her in jail. (#16)

Barda was released in time to attend his funeral, (#17) which was also attended by Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, the Teen Titans, and other heroes (Highfather was even seen in the shadows). When everyone left, Orion visited the grave. He was inspired by Scott and took his death as a calling. He decided to honor Scott by joining the Justice League. (Justice League America #40) Soon Mister Miracle's contract with Manga Khan was fulfilled and he returned to Earth. Khan explained everything to the League and Scott was distressed to learn that his wife thought he was dead; he called her immediately. Mister Miracle effectively resigned from the JLA and Orion and Lightray joined instead. (#42) Oberon also took a leave of absence from the League at this time. (#45)

Back Home, Back Seat

House ad teases a shift in the title's direction. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #20 (1990); art by Joe Phillips and Bruce Patterson.
Scott proposes that Shilo Norman take on the role of Mister Miracle. From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #21 (1990); art by Joe Phillips and Bob Dvorak.
Highfather challenges Scott to return to New Genesis and discover his birthright, his "god power." From Mister Miracle vol. 2 #28 (1991); art by Joe Phillips and Bob Dvorak.

Scott had some revelations upon his return from space. He secured a new home and packed up with Barda and Oberon to move to Manhattan. Their new home was a large building in Greenwich Village with room for a lab. (Mister Miracle vol. 2 #21)

The crew were reunited with young Shilo Norman in New York. He was now enrolled in NYU but regularly performed escape tricks in public. Scott asked Shilo to take over as Mister Miracle III, which was something Shilo had always hoped for. Since their last meeting, Shilo had devoted himself to building a suit filled with his own "miracles": electronics based on Scott's circuits that could respond to thoughts and create energy and power. But none of this worked without a Mother Box. Scott decided to bequeath his own Mother Box to Shilo and installed it into the new costume. He promptly sent Shilo on his first training run with the aero-discs. Shilo's maiden voyage was bumpy in part because Mother Box would not fully accept Shilo as its companion. (#22)

Highfather returned from New Genesis and warned Scott that it was possible for the Mother Box to disobey him. The Box had must regard Shilo as worthy. Shilo proved his merit by joining Scott on a spiritual journey inside Mother Box. (#23)

Norman was mentally and physically formidable and defeated the Lump by himself. (#24) But on a bigger stage, Shilo's inexperience became apparent. He and Scott crossed paths with the Justice League and Max Lord asked Shilo to join the team. Scott insisted he was not ready. (#25, Justice League America #47) While Shilo observed the JLA in action, Shilo argued that he could never learn without real field experience. (#49) When they found themselves in the middle of a dangerous battle against the Evil Eye, Shilo panicked, thus justifying Scott's reservations. (#50)

Both Misters Miracle were needed when aliens were exposed underneath their home (the former Albanian Noodle Factory). (#26) The alien leader transformed Scott and Shilo into monsters who attacked Barda and their friends. The Justice League helped mop up the aliens, who were docile after the leader was captured. (#27)

Another home was trashed but with no time to breathe, Barda was attacked by Big Breeda of Apokolips — her long-lost mother! This was their first meeting, and Breeda explained that Barda had actually been born naturally, and of love. Highfather dispelled Breeda's demons and turned to his son. He had returned to argue that Scott must return to New Genesis and learn about his "god powers." He should learn about his birthright before deciding to accept or reject it. Scott saw the wisdom of this and agreed to return. Breeda defected from Apokolips and joined them. (#28)

Post-Zero Hour: With Great Power...

Pinup from Jack Kirby's Fourth World Gallery (1996); art by Eduardo Baretto.
Scott attains godhood for the power to free Barda from the afterlife. From Mister Miracle vol. 3 #3 (1996); art by Steve Crespo and Márcio Morais.
Scott reacts badly to Barda's suggestion of a temporary separation. From Mister Miracle vol. 3 #5 (1996); art by Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin.
The amnesiac New Gods convene on Earth. From New Gods vol. 4 #13 (1998); art by John Byrne.
Scott prepares to be crowned leader of New Genesis. From Jack Kirby's Fourth World #10 (1997); art by John Byrne.
Sister Sunlight saves Mister Miracle's life after a fatal wound. From Jack Kirby's Fourth World #15 (1998); art by John Byrne.
Mister Miracle disguises himself as the Black Racer to trick Orion into a Doom Tube. From Orion #15 (2001); art by Walter Simonson.

Mister Miracle vol. 3

Scott Free was finally forced to undergo the ritual to claim his "god power." This included a sort of public training/hazing at the hands of Orion. Scott regarded his becoming a New God as the loss of his identity. He would "die and be reborn" and take a new name. As the Black Racer watched, Scott struggled and escaped from New Genesis to Earth. Just then, soldiers came from Apokolips and Granny Goodness killed Barda by spearing her through the back and chest. (Mister Miracle vol. 3 #1) Barda's soul went to Hadis, the after-realm of the Black Racer. Scott ventured there but she did not want to leave and the Racer ejected him. While he was there Scott also saw the ghost of Avia, who told him, "I had no son." (#2)

Scott now needed his god power to free Barda. He submitted, was infused with great energy, and clad in a new uniform. He now possessed the Alpha Energy, similar to his father's. Darkseid's son, Kalibak, had brought troops to New Genesis and Scott recruited his own army of the dead from Hadis. (#3) His power restored Barda fully to life and in doing so, he realized that godhood meant deciding who lived and died. He a great amount of his power to also revive the warriors who'd just died in battle (the spark of Alpha power remained in him). Highfather could not abide Scott's recent decisions and banished his son to Earth but confirmed two things: Avia was not Scott's mother; and he was given a name at birth. (#4) Note: These events are at odds with the later revelation from Orion #25 that Scott discovered his god power centuries prior. Scott was never depicted again using the Alpha power.

Scott and Barda stayed in the Justice League's satellite Refuge. Their relationship was strained as Barda increasingly felt like he was inconsiderate of her needs. For the first time, Scott mentioned having children. Barda seemed receptive but skeptical of his commitment. Wonder Woman offered them League membership, which they refused. Instead Scott accepted a job with Oberon, who was now with a community organization. He didn't consult Barda before making this decision which pushed her to a breaking point. She proposed a separation. She lamented her warrior's past and asked Wonder Woman to see Themyscira. (#5) Note: The plot threads from Mister Miracle vol. 3 were largely abandoned after its cancellation.

New Gods vol. 4

Great chaos was caused across creation when Orion and Darkseid did battle inside the Source. (New Gods vol. 4 #1-2) It became tainted and Highfather and Darkseid were forced to ally, and plotted to merge their worlds into a single planet. When they did, the New Gods were cast to Earth and left somewhat amnesiac; Barda and Scott were found by Metron. None could use a Mother Box to summon a Boom Tube back to New Genesis. When they tried to use a special contraption to teleport home, they discovered there was only a great white void. (#13) The stray heroes eventually converged on the Source Wall, where they learned the fate of their world, and that Highfather was now imprisoned in the Wall (but still capable of manifesting an avatar). (#15)

Jack Kirby's Fourth World

New Genesis was now more vulnerable to attack from Apokolips. Scott and Barda were needed but Scott was already planning to return to Earth. (Jack Kirby's Fourth World #2) The couple recruited Serifan to help them free the god Odin from the Source Wall. (#3) While the Fourth World was in disarray, the source of all their powers — called the Godwave — began to pass over the universe again. If it returned to the Source, the universe would be destroyed. (#7) Highfather joined the gods with Zeus, Jove, and Odin to assess the problem. At the last moment, they were joined by Ares, who manipulated them and killed Highfather inside the Source. (#8)

Soon after the ceremony he consulted with the magician called Shazam. He asked if, since the wizard could manipulate the powers of gods, he could remove Scott's powers forever. Shazam thought it was theoretically possible, but only if they were transplanted into someone else. Scott could never bring himself to lay his burden on another. He was expected to succeed Izaya as Highfather of New Genesis. At the coronation, Takion crowned Scott with a ring of gold and presented him to the people. (#10)

Recent events brought Scott to an emotional low point. Being a leader was just another set of chains from which to escape. Still in his coronation robes, he decided to abdicate and appointed Takion as the leader of New Genesis. (#11) Scott and Barda left Supertown in Takion's capable hands and returned to Earth in time to meet Oberon's long-lost daughter, Christine Little. (#12)

They met a girl called Sister Sunlight, who drew massive crowds and healed the sick. She was another escapee from Apokolips and Mister Miracle defended her from a Parademon attack. Scott was shot fatally through the torso and Barda begged for Sister Sunlight to heal him, which she did fully. Sunlight chose to give her own life for a dying boy; she could not save him so instead chose to carry him with her to the Source. (#15)


As fate would have it, Orion became possessed of Anti-Life Equation as well. Scott sensed this change and remained on alert — for good reason. (Orion #13) Orion was driven mad with the power. He enslaved the Fourth World then Earth, and Metron plotted with Darkseid to stop him. Part of their plan included the creation of a simulacrum of the Black Racer. This suit was fitted with a Doom Tube, a one-way trip to oblivion. It failed but Scott Free secretly donned the guise to confront Orion. As the Black Racer, Scott could stealthily use his own Anti-Life power to counter Orion's, causing it to appear as if the Racer was killing thousands of people. He goaded Orion into following him through the Doom Tube and phased out of the way at the last moment. He left the simulacrum behind. (#15) Metron witnessed this and became obsessed with discovering how his simulacrum had been used. He posited that the culprit could be more dangerous than Darkseid. (#16)

Orion found a way to divest himself of the Anti-Life Equation (#17) and when he returned to Earth, Scott sought him out. Orion was startled, not by the visit but in recognizing that his brother was also linked to the Equation (something even Darkseid had never mastered). Scott admitted to impersonating the Black Racer, and Orion understood the need for his actions. Orion accompanied Scott back to his home and learned that Barda was still unaware of her husband's power. Meanwhile Metron had hypothesized the truth and followed them. Scott wondered if Highfather had foreseen this dark potential and sent him to Apokolips for training he'd require to restrain it.

Then from nowhere, they were attacked by demonoids from Apokolips and Scott was wounded. This was a ruse engineered by Mister Miracle so that Orion would take up his yearly mission to Apokolips to lay flowers in remembrance of the people Scott had killed centuries before. When Orion left Metron came to Scott with an ultimatum: admit to having the power of Anti-Life or Metron would alert both Darkseid and Barda to it. Orion returned in time to quietly witness this blackmail. With uncharacteristic restraint, he chose not to charge in, but to use a Temporal Bender to go back in time and destroy the simulacrum after Scott discarded it. Metron could not find it and so his curiosity was avoided. (#25)

Death of the New Gods

Scott discovers his wife's body moments after the god killer strikes. Death of the New Gods #1 (2007); art by Jim Starlin.
Grief forces Scott to embrace his dark power — the Anti-Life Equation! Death of the New Gods #2 (2007); art by Jim Starlin.
Darkseid finally meets his match: the Anti-Life Equation itself. Death of the New Gods #3 (2008); art by Jim Starlin.
Scott destroys the Infinity Man, and then the Source Wall itself, paving the way for the Source to reunify with its darker half. Death of the New Gods #7 (2007); art by Jim Starlin.
The Gods of New Genesis are reborn in the Earth-51 universe, which is also the home of Kamandi and refugees from Darkseid's experiments with Simyan and Mokkari. From Final Crisis #6 (2009); art by J. G. Jones.

Suddenly a mysterious "god killer" was striking down the gods of the Fourth World. Metron learned that the Source itself was culling the New Gods as part of a plan to "start over" and create the Fifth World. (Death of the New Gods #5)

Its agent, the Infinity Man worked in secret and one of his first victims was Big Barda. Scott discovered her body in their home after returning from a routine patrol. (Death of the New Gods #1) After Barda's funeral, grief drove Scott nearly mad and he embraced the power of the Anti-Life Equation as a means to find her killer. As the casualties mounted, Takion, Scott, and Orion allied with Superman to investigate. (#2) Surprisingly, even Darkseid seemed innocent. The despot was shocked to learn that Scott possessed the thing Darkseid coveted most. (#3) Mister Miracle turned his darkest corner when the hunt led them to the Forever People: all dead. He transformed himself into a being of pure Anti-Life when he used the power to reanimate their corpses and extract information, but even in death they would not give up the name of their killer. (#4)

The collected souls of the gods would not be enough for the Source to recombine. It needed the power of Scott Free to destroy the original Source Wall and allow the Source entity to traverse the Bleed and recombine with its dark half. (#6) Scott ultimately destroyed the Infinity Man and the force of his power shattered the Wall and the reunification of the Source was accomplished. Seeing it thus, Scott asked for death, and it was granted. Superman came upon his corpses and also verified that New Genesis was now a mass graveyard. (#7)

Darkseid was soon also brought down, but he found away to reach back into the material world. Though bodiless, he and the dark gods were able to inhabit human bodies as avatars. (Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #1) His machinations nearly destroyed the multiverse until Superman used a version of a Mother Box, powered by Metron's Mobius Chair, to right things once again. In the reordered multiverse, the gods of New Genesis were recreated in the universe of Earth-51, where they were now the guardians of that world. (Final Crisis #6)


Mister Miracle has innate control over the Anti-Life Equation, which is total control over living things. Upon discovering this ability, Scott was so shocked and horrified that he did not use it again until the end of his life. At its fullest expression, the Anti-Life enabled Scott to destroy the Source Wall itself.

Scott Free also possessed the power of the Alpha Effect, the opposite of Darkseid's Omega Effect. This was power to give, restore, and protect life. Note: It's unclear whether Scott had both the Anti-Life and Alpha powers simultaneously, or whether the Alpha power was retconned away with the introduction of the Anti-Life ability.

Even without his god power, Scott is an exceptionally resilient, athletic, and agile. He dedicated his life to mastering the art of escape. He is adept at escaping from bondage unaided, but has also invented a number of devices (including the Multi-Cube) to help escape from more dangerous situations. His Mister Miracle suit is also laced with advanced circuitry, centered in his armband.

Scott uses a Mother Box, a living computer that offers advice, limited healing, and teleportation technology.

In the Earth-17 timeline, Scott's Mother Box became a physical part of him, its powers were his birthright, his god power. The power was the embodiment of the Source: a neutral, nonpolitical principle. Mister Miracle did not have this power in any other continuity or publishing era.

Appearances + References


  • Action Comics #592, 593, 675, 708, 729
  • Adventures in the DC Universe #4
  • Adventures in the DC Universe Annual #1
  • Adventures of Superman #463, 488, 489
  • Armageddon 2001 #1
  • Bizarro Comics
  • Blue Beetle #22
  • Booster Gold #22
  • Brave and the Bold #112, 128, 138
  • Captain Atom #16, 17, 20, 24, 26-28
  • Day of Judgment #1-3, 5
  • DC Comics Presents #12
  • Doctor Fate vol. 1 #3
  • Doom Patrol vol. 2 #29
  • Final Night #1
  • Firestorm #69
  • Genesis #2-4
  • Green Lantern Corps #220
  • Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
  • History of the DC Universe #2
  • Invasion! #2-3
  • Jack Kirby's Fourth World #1-4, 6-8, 10-12, 15, 17, 19
  • JLA #24, 27, 34, 36, 38-40
  • JLA Incarnations #6
  • JLA Secret Files & Origins #3
  • JLA/Titans #2-3
  • Justice League #1-6
  • Justice League America/International #7-16, 18, 20–26, 29-32, 35-39, 42-44, Annual #5, 9, 10, Special #1
  • Justice League Europe #7, 8, 47-50
  • Justice League of America #183-185
  • Justice League of America: The Nail #1
  • Kingdom Come #2-4
  • Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant #2
  • Millennium #1, 3, 5-8
  • New Gods vol. 1 #7
  • New Gods vol. 3 #18
  • New Gods vol. 4 #13-15
  • New Gods Secret Files & Origins #1
  • Orion #5, 10, 13, 15, 16, 25
  • Sandman #5
  • Secret Files & Origins: Guide to the DC Universe 2000
  • Secret Files & Origins: JLA in Crisis #1
  • Secret Origins #33
  • Speed Demon #1 (Amalgam, 1996)
  • Suicide Squad #13
  • Superboy & the Ravers #14
  • Superman & Batman: World's Funnest
  • Superman/Batman: Generations III #8, 9
  • Superman: The Man of Steel #10, 20, 43, 64
  • Superman vol. 2 #65-66
  • Superman: The Dark Side #1-3
  • Super Powers vol. 3 #1, 2, 4
  • War of the Gods #4
  • Wonder Woman vol. 2 #25


  • Superman Adventures #42, 53


  • Mister Miracle vol. 1, 25 issues (1971-74)
  • Mister Miracle Special #1, one-shot (1987)
  • Mister Miracle vol. 2, 28 issues (1989-91) +
  • New Gods vol. 4, 15 issues (1995-97)
  • Mister Miracle vol. 3, 7 issues (1996)
  • Jack Kirby's Fourth World, 20 issues (1997–98)